There is a crisis in sustaining and developing art, artists and art institutions.
There is no better time to explore the challenges and opportunities we face integrating our need for creative sustenance in today's world. Creativity is the language of the soul and each of us find ways to express our basic need to communicate.
This abundant interior landscape that we each posses - rich, vibrant, tumultuous - has long been a key asset in our development of communities and civilizations.
Accessibility and acceptance of art in daily life has grown into a profit-centered mechanism that simultaneously mimics and mines our natural impulse to communicate artistically and creatively with each other into a cycle of consumerism, loaded with false and unrealistic notions of artistic quality, admiration of artists and the rise of development and fund-raising schemes that have become ingrained in the promotion, preservation and presentation of all art forms.
This book suggest options, new paradigms and fresh vistas in hopes of integrating and sustaining ongoing creativity for all.
The Immediacy of Joy: Integrating Creativity + Art in Daily Living
for my children
- a note to readers -
chapter one. re-imagining the possible
i. siempre sera diecinueve - what the somoza regime, the sandinista revolution and the iran-contra scandal can show us about profit-centered perception and values
ii. is there anything new under the sun? the mounting frustration of quickly accessing data - trust but verify
iii. in search of the possible: the precocious experiment
iv. combat lessons about absenteeism, bullshit, hustlers and having enough jobs for low-skilled individuals
v. taking steps together: inclusive growth and implementation by design
chapter two. what is art? baby don't hurt me...
vi. we are one body - take care of your own body before you care for somebody else
vii. art fully allows and explores the dimensions of the psyche
viii. music as a reflection of the self
ix. literature and language as a reflection of abstract thought
x. drama as a reflection of consciousness
xi. dance and sports as a reflection of kinetic and sexual memory
xii. plastic arts as a reflection of the idealized past
xiii. photography and film as a reflection of the idealized present and performance art as a reflection of the imagined future
xiv. architecture as a reflection for the id and new media art forms as a reflection of the ego
xv. art as super-ego
chapter three. meet the artist: mind the gap, not everyone's a genius and that's OK
xvi. the artist seeks to understand core realities and truths, then struggles to share that earned wisdom
xvii. the artist as a living symbol of collegiality and connected growth
chapter four. questions in an age of global competition
xviii. fortification v. integration
xix. tension v. intensity
xx. justice, mercy and understanding v. unjust global economics that prizes profits over people
xxi. security v. doubt
xxii. i don't care vs. i care and I'm curious...
chapter five. trust in a data driven
xxiii. trust is clear
xxiv. trust is concise
xxv. trust is communicative
xxvi. trust is compassionate
xxvii. trust is charitable
xxviii. trust is creative
xxix. trust is commanding
xxx. trust is centered
xxxi. trust is consistent
xxxii. trust is calm
chapter six. poetry, politics & policy
xxxiii. the immediacy of love and understanding
xxxiv. the immediacy of anger, bribes, leapfrogging and working outside the box
xxxv. the immediacy of patience and discipline
xxxvi. the immediacy of passion and truth
xxxvii. the immediacy of joy
chapter seven. profit management, new media & information technology
xxxviii. personification and self-awareness: our present business models prize ownership without accountability; commercial considerations and political ambitions are strengthened rather than embracing a moral obligation to inspire, inform and educate the public
xxxix. embracing our inherent and unending capacity for understanding others, our intellectual capacity to thrive and why arguably, rural men and women are more inspired to motivate and maintain revolutionary ideas that permanently change the world for the better
xl. language, free will and user interface: the promise and peril of technological integration and human impatience
chapter eight. cultural patriotism and a passion for the arts
xli. cultural patriotism, indigenous energy and you
xlii. cultural patriotism as a venue for personal and institutional artistic expression
xliii. cultural patriotism as an expression and reflection our collective and societal conscience
chapter nine. partnerships
xliv. between people
xlv. between institutions
xlvi. between people and institutions
xlvii. between the artist and the audience, the rich and the needy & perception and silence
chapter ten. el machete, or, art is to everyday living as India is to cricket or America is to geopolitics : the undisputed superpower
xlviii. look mom: no hands! unlocking the power of asia, latin america, sub-saharan africa and the carribean by just paying attention
xlix. making sense of the census: the one percent and you
l. integration
appendix, addendum and index